Home Detox UK

What Is The Best Way To Detox From Alcohol?

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Having an alcohol addiction can be very challenging and recognising that you need help and are ready to recover is a great step towards your recovery.

The best way to detox from alcohol can vary from person to person. One size does not fit all when it comes to alcohol addiction recovery. The best way to detox can vary depending on the severity of your addiction, how much alcohol you consume and the way your body reacts.

If you are ready to start your detox from alcohol, you must understand the detox process and the withdrawal symptoms that may come with it so that you can safely and effectively become sober. Read on to learn the best ways to detox from alcohol.


The Ins and Outs of Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol is a complex illness that can affect millions of people worldwide.

Some may begin to drink alcohol socially, which can quickly turn into an addiction – sometimes without even realising the severity until they have become dependent.

Genetics may also play a role in addiction, especially if there’s a family history of alcoholism.

Alcohol affects the brain’s reward system, which can lead to increased consumption over time to experience similar feelings.

People may find themselves using alcohol to cope with stress or mental health issues, which can quickly develop into addiction.

Overall, alcohol addiction is complex, with no single cause, and can develop differently from person to person.


What Does Alcohol Detox Involve?

During an alcohol detox, your body goes through changes physically and mentally. The idea of an alcohol detox is to remove all alcohol from your system. This will come with some withdrawal side effects.

Going ‘cold turkey’ and quitting alcohol immediately can be dangerous, especially for those with severe addictions. Suddenly stopping can lead to dangerous withdrawal symptoms like seizures or serious confusion.

Therefore, it is important that you seek help from a health professional so they can help you create a detox plan where you will be able to safely and effectively stop the use of alcohol.

Finding ways that work for you to manage your withdrawal symptoms too can be beneficial during the detox process.

Mentally, detox can be tough. You might feel anxious, depressed, or moody. Cravings for alcohol can be strong, making it hard to resist drinking again.

Seeking support from those around you and being open and honest about how you are feeling and if you are experiencing any cravings is important as they will be able to know how to help you stay on track during your detox.


How to Manage Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

When you are addicted to alcohol, your body will have formed a physical reliance on it. This means you will find it difficult to cope without it.

That is why you experience negative side effects from stopping use – known as withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can include:

  • Tremors
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sweating
  • Anxiety and agitation
  • Insomnia
  • Hallucinations
  • Seizures
  • Delirium tremens


Although withdrawal symptoms are difficult to deal with, there are ways to manage them and make your symptoms feel less severe.



Engaging in regular exercise activities and moving your body can help you during the detox process.

When you exercise your brain releases endorphins which will make you feel good and give you a natural boost in mood. This can help to reduce stress or feelings of depression that you may experience during the withdrawal process.

However, you must consult with a health professional beforehand to determine what type of exercise is best for you.


Eat a Balanced Diet and Stay Hydrated

Making sure you are consuming the right amounts of nutrients is important for your body to heal from any alcohol-related health problems.

A heathy diet also gives you plenty of energy and makes you feel less sluggish.

Staying hydrated will restore your electrolyte balance and promote mood and cognitive function. Alcohol is very dehydrating, so keeping up with your water intake is crucial.


Keeping a Routine

Creating a daily routine that includes things you enjoy can motivate you to stay on track with your detox. Knowing what you are going to do day-to-day can make you feel more in control of your life.

Having a routine can help you to avoid cravings by making sure your day is keeping you busy and having a busy day will also help you to have a good night’s sleep.


Doing Things You Enjoy or Starting a New Hobby

Staying occupied during your detox can help to keep your mind off your symptoms providing positive distractions, reducing stress, and promoting feelings of satisfaction and achievement.

This can reduce the risk of going back to drinking and supporting your journey to staying sober.

Practising meditation or yoga will relax your mind and leave you feeling calm and happy.


Different Ways to Detox

There are several ways that you can detox from alcohol:


Medically Supervised Detox

A medically supervised detox is one of the safest and most recommended ways to detox from alcohol.

Under medical supervision, healthcare professionals can monitor your withdrawal symptoms, provide medications to help you manage your symptoms and offer supportive care to ensure your safety and comfort during detox.

A medically supervised detox typically takes place in a specialised detox facility, hospital, or treatment centre.

Healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and/ or addiction specialists will be on hand to monitor and support you through the detox process.


Outpatient Detox Programs

An outpatient detox programme typically includes you completing a detox from the comfort of your own home.

Healthcare professionals will prescribe you medications and offer support through regular check-ins and counselling sessions.

This programme is suitable if you have mild to moderate alcohol dependence and a stable home environment, with people around you to support you.


Detox at Home with Support

You may choose to detox at home with just the support of family and friends around you.

This can help you to feel safer and more comfortable detoxing as you are in the comfort of your own home in private.

Whilst it is great that you have this level of support around you, it is still important that you speak to a health professional so that they can create a detox plan for you that will help you manage withdrawals and stay on track with your recovery.

Once you have completed your detox at home, you should attend regular meetings and counselling to ensure you are staying on track with your recovery.


Inpatient Detox Programs

With this type of detox, you will stay at the treatment facility for the duration of your recovery where you can receive round-the-clock medical care, counselling, and support.

This intensive approach is best suited for those with severe alcohol dependence or co-occurring mental health disorders.

You will be prescribed suitable medications that will help you with managing your withdrawal symptoms and cravings.

Daily schedules may include meals, group therapy sessions, individual counselling, educational workshops, recreational activities, and downtime for relaxation and reflection.

It is down to your personal preferences and the severity of your addiction that will determine the treatment option that is best for you, you should reach out to a health professional so that they can provide you with the relevant information and support.


How Long Does an Alcohol Detox Last?

The timeframe of an alcohol detox can vary depending on factors such as the level of alcohol dependence, overall health, and whether there are any underlying medical conditions.

Usually, the first week of the detox is the most difficult, but as the weeks go by and your body begins to get used to functioning on its own the symptoms will start to mellow down.

The last symptoms to disappear are usually alcohol cravings and mood shifts. Talking to those around you and attending counselling can help with this – just remember how far you have come and how close you are to the finish line.

Remember that detoxing from alcohol is the first step to lifetime recovery. To remain sober, you should proceed with ongoing treatment and attend support meetings.

This will help you keep on track with your recovery.


Alcohol Detox With Home Detox UK

At Home Detox UK we are here to support you through your detox. We understand that choosing recovery isn’t easy and this is a big step for you.

You must detox from alcohol safely, so we are here to create a tailored plan that will suit your other commitments and give you the best chance at remaining sober.

Detoxing at home in a private, safe and familiar environment can help you to stay on track with your recovery.

Start your recovery today and reach out to us for your free consultation with one of our dedicated addiction specialists.

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