Home Detox UK

Alcohol Detox Tips: At-Home Detox

Top Tips For An Alcohol Detox At Home

Have you or a loved one made the brave decision to detox alcohol at home? Undergoing an at-home detox from alcohol is key to a successful path to sobriety, but it comes with its challenges.

While a medically supervised detox is often recommended for severe cases of dependency, some individuals opt to detox alcohol at home. For top tips to get through an at-home detox from alcohol, continue reading.


What is an At-Home Detox?

A home detox is a process where an individual stops or reduces their intake of either drugs or alcohol in the comfort of their own home.

Unlike visiting an inpatient facility, detoxing from home allows for more privacy while you recover from your addiction and stop drinking for good. For many, a home detox from alcohol is preferred. When familiar with your surroundings, going through something like a detox feels less stressful.


How Long Does an At-Home Detox Last?

Typically, an at-home detox will last between just one week and several weeks. The length of time your detox takes depends on the extent of your dependency and your health condition. Each individual is different, and those with a less severe alcohol addiction will usually experience a shorter withdrawal.


Benefits of Detoxing From Alcohol at Home

Opting for a home detox kit is the preferred choice for many individuals battling an alcohol addiction. At-home detox kits allow for a safe and steady process that can be completed at your own pace. They also provide several other key benefits:

  • Cost-effective
  • Causes little disruption to everyday life
  • Allows for more support from loved ones at home
  • Tailored to your circumstances
  • Shorter waiting times


Withdrawal symptoms are expected during home detox. If you find that detoxing from home is too challenging, seeking professional help is advised.


How Does an At-Home Detox Work?

So, how does an at-home detox work? If you’re considering detoxing from alcohol at home, you should know what the process entails. Typically, an at-home detox will consist of a few important steps:

  1. Medical professionals will assess the severity of your addiction
  2. A tailored plan will be made based on your circumstances
  3. You’ll likely be asked to form a support system to help you through
  4. The detox begins
  5. 24/7 support and guidance will be offered
  6. Regular check-ins will occur
  7. The detox will be complete (detox typically lasts between one week to several)
  8. Post-detox options will be discussed


Is it Safe to Detox From Alcohol at Home?

Yes, it’s safe to detox from alcohol at home. However, it’s important to monitor withdrawal symptoms carefully throughout the process. Detoxing from alcohol will help your body heal, leading to a much healthier and happier life.

Although symptoms aren’t usually life-threatening, it’s not to say that serious issues could arise. Knowing what severe withdrawal symptoms look like will be most helpful in ensuring a safe and speedy detox process at home.


Withdrawal Symptoms to Expect

While detoxing from alcohol at home, it’s vital to understand common withdrawal symptoms to expect:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Hand tremors
  • Headaches
  • Loss of appetite


These particular symptoms are pretty standard, but that doesn’t mean everyone will experience all of them. However, if you notice more severe symptoms, you should seek medical assistance right away:

  • Hallucinations
  • Severe confusion or brain fog
  • High blood pressure
  • Seizures
  • Delirium tremens (DTs – which can be life-threatening)


Tips for Detoxing at Home

If you’re ready to take the first step on your recovery journey and begin an at-home detox from alcohol, then we recommend following our top tips for a safe and successful process.


1 – Speak to a Healthcare Professional

Before you start your alcohol detox, you must speak with a healthcare professional or addiction specialist. By doing so, you can be fully assessed, determining whether an at-home detox is your safest and most effective option.

Detoxing from home isn’t suitable for everyone, and the severity of your addiction can play a huge role in whether or not a home detox is appropriate.


2 – Mentally Prepare

The detoxification process is both a physical and mental challenge. Withdrawal symptoms, cravings for alcohol, and emotional ups and downs are likely to be experienced. Throughout detox, you may feel overwhelmed, often leading to changes in your mental health.

Understanding these obstacles and preparing yourself for the journey ahead is important. Seeking therapy to help you cope during your detox is usually advised.


3 – Have a Support Network

Ensure that there’s a reliable and trustworthy support network around you while you detox from alcohol. Understanding and encouragement from family and friends will be most helpful while you overcome the first stage of recovery.

The process can be lonely, so make sure to stay connected to those willing to help. Regular phone calls or video chats will come in handy if you can’t be with someone in person.


4 – Create a Calm Environment

Your environment has a huge impact on your detox experience, and that’s exactly why so many choose to recover from home.

Creating a calm and relaxing setting within your home should help ease the sometimes-tedious detox process. Remove any alcohol or potential triggers from your space to prevent temptation.


5 – Drink Plenty and Eat Well

Both dehydration and loss of essential nutrients are some of the negative effects of alcohol withdrawal.

Drink plenty of water and try to eat a well-balanced, healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals. If you don’t feel hungry, we recommend eating small amounts more frequently or drinking nutrient-dense smoothies.


6 – Stay Active

Although it might feel like the last activity you want to do, staying active during detox can be beneficial to your recovery. Physical activity reduces stress, improves your mood, and promotes a better night’s sleep – all the things you need while you detox alcohol at home.


7 – Get Plenty of Rest

Quality sleep is essential during detox. You need to let your body heal, and you won’t be able to do that with no sleep. Create a calm bedtime routine to improve your sleep pattern. If you do struggle to sleep, we recommend staying away from your phone and reading or meditating instead.


8 – Practice Mindfulness

Alcohol cravings can be difficult to cope with, especially during early sobriety. Practising mindfulness can help manage and overcome cravings, helping you to stay focused on your end goal – sobriety.

Mindfulness techniques reduce stress and improve well-being, so they should certainly be incorporated into your daily routine.


9 – Monitor Your Symptoms

As mentioned, some withdrawal symptoms can be more severe than others. Keeping a close eye on your withdrawal symptoms is incredibly important while you tackle your home detox from alcohol.

Symptoms vary from person to person, so how well you cope may be different for someone else. Don’t hesitate to seek medical attention if you spot any worrying symptoms – DTs, for example, require hospitalisation and can be fatal.


10 – Track and Reward Your Progress

Although detox is a tough process, be sure to focus on the positives, too. Detoxing is no doubt challenging, but rewarding. Celebrate your small wins and be sure to reward yourself when you reach achievements.

Positive reinforcement will help you to stay on track. There may be setbacks and challenges, but that doesn’t mean you’ve failed. Learn from your experiences and continue moving forward.


When Not to Detox From Home

When should you not detox alcohol at home? You shouldn’t detox alcohol from home if you have:

  • A severe alcohol addiction
  • History of seizures or delirium tremens during previous attempts to detox
  • Serious issues regarding mental health


Ensuring a home detox from alcohol is a safe option for you is key before you start your recovery journey. Although home detoxes work for some, they won’t be beneficial for everyone. Detoxing from home means you won’t be medically assisted, which for some, can lead to problems.


Home Detox From Alcohol Today

Begin your home detox journey today with Home Detox UK. We work closely with those seeking recovery by providing them with an expert service to overcome alcohol addiction. Let us step in and increase your chance of a successful detox.

To discuss our home detox options for alcohol addiction, please contact us. We look forward to helping you achieve a safe detox from the comfort of your humble abode.

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